Dear to Premier Labellers hearts is a fantastic organisation called Hawk Farm. Hawk Farm are a Green Therapy Centre for young adults with learning disabilities and mental health. They do fantastic stuff! Their aim is to improve people's mental and physical wellbeing through outdoor activities.
When visiting Hawk Farm we were given a fantastic tour by Clare Peryer, who is the founder of this wonderful organisation. Taking care of a range of animals at the farm, we were able to see the amount it takes to keep it running at the highest standard and how much the young people contribute. Many of Hawk Farms participants have preferred roles in line with their skillsets from wood work to cooking to looking after the horses. We were shown tricks by both the horses and the pigs which was fantastic. Along with a tour of their reptile facility which is handled with such care and passion from the participants.
Premier Labellers have chosen Hawk Farm as our dedicated fundraiser charity for the first half of 2020. We have not waited around and held a fundraiser raffle for a hand picked hamper, donated by a competition winner of ours called One Dry Wash. We have managed to raise £271 in just a few days for the organisation which is a great start to the year, in which we have lots of other events in the pipeline to raise as much as we can for the wonderful organisation.
Throughout 2020 we have signed up for a half marathon, a 60 mile bike ride and much more! Keep an eye on our social channels for the updates and how to get involved.